
Posts Tagged ‘tomatoes’

Simple Solutions for EMF Radiation Protection

In Breast Cancer, Cancer, cancer stem cells and recurrence, Cell Phones, EMFs and Health Risks, Uncategorized on January 24, 2019 at 8:10 am

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are invisible areas of energy, known by most of us as radiation, that have been found to cause great harm to the human body. I am not just talking about nuclear fallout, but importantly, cell phone use, WIFI technology, cordless phones, clock radios, hair dryers, X-rays, radiotherapy, air travel-associated radiation, and other exposures that pose day-to-day radiation toxicity. Sadly, we are all exposed to ionizing radiation and could be potentially at increased risk for adverse health effects.

Ionizing radiation causes damage by producing free radicals like reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can randomly react with lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids of cells causing oxidative stress and damage which can lead to molecular and cellular damage. Oxidative stress is considered one of the major factors connected with increased cancer risk and is implicated in cardiovascular events, osteoporosis, male infertility, and more.

Exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation can result in increased rates of genetic mutations. DNA damage caused by oxidative stress may lead to mutations that inactivate tumor suppressor genes and activate oncogenes.[i]

In addition to free radical production, another source of indirect post-irradiation toxicity is inflammatory processes. Radiation-induced damage initiates long-term pro-inflammatory reactions in the surrounding tissue. Exposure to large amounts of ionizing radiation could result in a severe inflammation reaction causing irreparable damage to various tissue and organs, particularly in the heart, lungs and kidneys.

In an attempt to minimize these effects, a small number of compounds in plants have been identified for use as agents that offer some protection against radiation-induced toxicities, and many more are being investigated. These effects are possibly due to free radical scavenging, antioxidant, metal chelating, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, and enhancement of the DNA repair processes. Also likely is that certain substances are able to absorb strong energies such as EMFs and convert them into less reactive forms.

dragon-4The Role of Radioprotectants:

The need for protection against the toxic effects of ionizing radiation comes from many different directions: occupational exposure, nuclear accidents, environmental sources, the use of cell phones and other devices, and protection of normal tissue during the therapeutic irradiation of cancer. No matter the source, radioprotectants are important in protecting cells from deleterious radiation-induced side effects.

Radio-protectors are agents that protect the body’s cells and tissues from the undesirable effects of radiation by scavenging radiation-induced free radicals. In the past, synthetic radio-protectors were found to help mitigate or minimize the life-threatening effects of radiation, but they were not put clinical use due to undesirable side effects and inherent toxicity, such as hypotension, vomiting, nausea, sneezing, hot flashes, etc.[ii] Therefore, the exploration of radio-protectors with less toxicity became essential.

The first line of defense from the damaging effects of ROS is antioxidants, which convert strong oxidants to less reactive forms. Antioxidants can minimize the damaging effects of ROS by converting strong oxidants to less reactive forms. For example, the powerful antioxidant lycopene can protect and repair cellular damage from free-radicals, including those induced from ionizing radiation.[iii] This suggests that supplementation of lycopene might be useful in diminishing of negative effect of cancer radiotherapy or in mitigating the effects of possible radiation accidents and exposures on human health. Red fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes (especially when cooked), watermelons, red peppers, pink grapefruits, apricots, pink guavas, dragon fruit, and papaya contain lycopene.

Studies confirm that lycopene and other compounds in fruits, vegetables and associated dietary supplements reduce risk of cancer and inhibit the growth of tumors. Research also shows that nutraceuticals have protective effects against other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, male infertility. These results could be in part due to their protection against damage induced by ionizing radiation, offering yet another reason to consume them copiously.

N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC) helps to replenish intracellular glutathione, a vital cellular antioxidant.  Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) also helps boost glutathione levels (see below for more substances that boost glutathione). For brand recommendations, click on the highlighted supplement of interest.

Another substance, melanin, has shown to offer radioprotective properties and is being studied. It is already well known for protecting human skin from UV radiation. While found in foods such as seaweed, eggs, cheese, fish (rich sources of tyrosine, an amino acid that aids in the production of melanin), it is most abundantly found in mushrooms, particularly Chaga mushrooms. Compounds in melanin absorb electromagnetic radiation and help deactivate radioactive isotopes, converting them into benign forms.[iv]

To keep this post short and sweet, I have referenced some studies rather than get into depth on them all, but have included some highlights below. This list is not inclusive, but rather illustrative of how eating a significant amount of fruits and vegetables, and at times supplements, throughout the day can be radio-protective (Click on the highlights for a few brand recommendations for supplements–widely available in most stores).

 Fun Facts:

  • Lycopene reduces the negative effect of cancer radiotherapy and other sources of radiation exposure, especially in advance of exposure.
  • Compounds in Chaga mushroom absorb electromagnetic radiation and help deactivate radioactive isotopes, converting them into benign forms.[xvii]
  • Flaxseed, already known for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, works as both a mitigator and protector against radiation exposure, including regarding pneumopathy. It not only protects lung tissues before exposure to radiation, but can also significantly reduce damage after exposure occurs.[xviii]
  • The protection afforded by flaxseed may be attributed to the omega-3 essential fatty acids and phytoestrogenic lignans, which appear to play an important role in free radical scavenging.[xix]
  • Asparagus are high in glutathione and also selenium and zinc, which  also help you make glutathione are protective against EMFs.
  • Olive oil and cruciferous vegetables (in particular the sulfur/sulforophane in these veggies) boosts glutathione.
  • Blueberries contain delphinidin, which has strong antioxidant properties that scavenge radiation-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), making them protective against a wide scope of radiation exposures.
  • Radioprotectors such as delphinidin used during cancer radiotherapy could offer some protection to normal tissues around a cancerous tumor, which are unintentionally exposed to radiation during traditional and proton radiotherapy[xx]
  • Blueberry anthocyanins inhibit cell apoptosis and reduce the radiation injury by decreasing gene and protein expression of p53 and other proteins that regulate cancer cell division, growth, and death.[xxi]
  • Apple pectin aids in removing radionuclides, with one study showing a 62% reduction in radionuclides in treated children from the Chernobyl area and another with a 28-39% reduction after just 16 days, improving cardiovascular health in the children.[xxii]
  • Flavonoids in fruits and vegetables offer a variety of beneficial properties including protection from ionizing radiation, DNA protection, immune system protection, hemopoietic system protection, scavenging of free radicals, antioxidant properties, antitumor properties, antiviral properties, antibacterial properties, and anti-inflammatory properties.[xxiii]
  • Intravenous administration of melanin-coated nanospheres has demonstrated protection of bone marrow against radiotoxicity during radioimmunotherapy of cancer. [xxiv]
  • Buckwheat flavonoid offer radio-protective mechanisms on the hematopoietic (bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes) and immune systems[xxv]
  • Plant compounds offer substantial protection and do not appear to interfere with therapeutic radiotherapy.
  • DIM may protect against ionizing radiation taken before or up to 24 hours after radiation and does not protect breast cancer tumors against radiotherapy.[xxvi]

Importantly, many compounds, such as the antioxidants lycopene and delphinidin need to be taken before exposure, which means it is best to consume these on a regular basis.  Enjoy in abundance tomatoes (especially cooked), blueberries, dragon fruit, mint (fresh or tea), apples,  flax seed, green tea, and others. Buckwheat is quite versatile and is naturally gluten-free –try this delicious flatbread recipe.

Regarding Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Radiation therapy is a highly utilized therapy in the treatment of malignancies with up to 60% of cancer patients receiving radiation therapy as a part of their treatment regimen. However, the radiation-induced damage to the normal tissues often restricts the therapeutic doses of radiation that can be delivered to tumors and thereby limits the effectiveness of the treatment[xxvii] Notably, researchers have found that there are numerous substances that are radio-protective and yet do not interfere with therapeutic radiotherapy.[xxviii] Unfortunately, not all radiation oncologists recommend such substances, so it is imperative that you seek help from a qualified professional.

Radiation therapy does, however, cause a wide range of adverse effects that can be severe and cause permanent damage to the patient.[xxix] Radiotherapy also does not target cancer stem cells and can actually make them more aggressive.

Radio-protective Devices


If you don’t see yourself consuming radio-protective foods and supplements on a regular basis or feel that you are particularly exposed (aren’t we all?) you may want to take advantage of the plethora of devices that offer EMF protection.  There are also many lovely and inexpensive shungite pendants and bracelets available online that help balance energy, as well as other items that can be attached to your cell phone, hair dryer, clock, laptop, etc., and to your own jewelry. Please note that since my previous post, Aries Tech has discontinued their older generation Aires Black Crystal and Aires Defender and replaced them with more effective and powerful protection, all made in the EU.

Aires Shield Pro – Powerful enough for all devices from phones to large smart TVs. [Aries Shield Pro]

Aires Defender Pro – To be used on the person for full body protection. [Defender]

Aires Guardian – To be used in all areas of a typical home or office as an area protector. [Guardian]

Update: Two more reputable products that I have come across are SafeSleeve anti-radiation cases for your phone and Lambs radiation-proof and anti-EMF underwear to protect your privates and testosterone levels (as featured in Mens’s Health, Forbes, GQ, and more). You may laugh at that one, but it is important to protect your privates (and ladies, need I remind you to keep your phone out of your bra and pockets? Lambs for ladies coming soon).

In your good health,


~~If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any~~

Elyn Jacobs is a holistic cancer strategist and speaker specializing in the prevention and treatment of cancer. She is a Contributing Editor for The Truth About Cancer and is on the Medical Advisory Board for BeatCancer.Org and the Advisory Board to the Radical Remission Project. Elyn has written for numerous journals and publications. She was the former Executive Director of the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation and the creator and host of the Survive and Live Well Radio Show. To contact Elyn, visit www.elynjacobs.com. Elyn offers consults via Skype, phone, or in person.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not a recommendation to forgo medical advice and treatment.  This post is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition. This post does not represent medical advice nor should it be considered to be medical advice or a replacement for medical advice.  I encourage you to discuss this information with your integrative oncologist, naturopathic doctor, or conventional oncologist. The information provided is from my research and not to be taken as scientific evidence.

Affiliate Links Disclosure:

Some product links on some posts are affiliate links. This website is monetized in part through the use of affiliate links. This means that if you were to click on a link that is an affiliate link, and purchase an item after clicking on that link, I may receive a small percentage of the sales price. I only recommend products that I love and use often. Thank you for your support!

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[i] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5655585/#CR40

[ii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4419622/#R13

[iii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4297477/

[iv] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28256187; https://www.news-medical.net/news/20110824/Melanin-also-protects-from-ionizing-radiation.aspx

[v]  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25526570

[vi] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28256187; https://www.news-medical.net/news/20110824/Melanin-also-protects-from-ionizing-radiation.aspx; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5039571/

[vii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17486687

[viii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5792255/

[viii] file:///C:/Users/elyn/Downloads/136380-365119-1-SM.pdf

[ix] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21119249

[x] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579918/

[xi] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3586922/

[xii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4419622/#R13

[xiii] http://naturalsociety.com/malanin-fungi-compound-radioprotective-68349/#ixzz5dA4ds2Md
[xiv] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24127581

[xv] file:///C:/Users/elyn/Downloads/136380-365119-1-SM.pdf; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25361477

[xvi] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24820157

[xvii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28256187; https://www.news-medical.net/news/20110824/Melanin-also-protects-from-ionizing-radiation.aspx

[xviii] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110809111821.htm

[xix] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17486687; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23106213; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2745149/

[xx] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5792255/

[xxi] file:///C:/Users/elyn/Downloads/136380-365119-1-SM.pdf

[xxii] http://naturalsociety.com/malanin-fungi-compound-radioprotective-68349/#ixzz5dA4ds2Md
[xxiii] http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/tjpr.v15i5.28

[xxiv] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20421152

[xxv] file:///C:/Users/elyn/Downloads/136380-365119-1-SM.pdf

[xxvi] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24127581

[xxvii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21119249

[xxviii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5039571/

[xxix] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110809111821.htm

[xxx] https://elynjacobs.com/2015/01/09/cancer-stem-cells-could-they-be-the-key-to-metastasis/

Cancer Fighting Farm-Stand Recipes

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2012 at 4:46 pm

Spring, oh the possibilities.  Spring means summer is not far off, and the thought of fresh produce comes to mind.  Nothing beats farm-fresh produce.  The produce you find in most supermarkets has spent many days, if not weeks traveling to that shelf, depleting it from quality and taste.  While you still have to be concerned with toxic pesticides and fertilizers, many farms grow organically or at least limit the use of these chemicals.  Ask your local farmers, they love to talk with pride about their food.   By buying local, you can often avoid Genetically Modified Crops (GMOs) which should not be consumed by anyone (See notes below).  No farm-stand available?  You can still enjoy these recipes, but please consider organic or even grow your own.  No room for a garden?  Herb gardens take up very little space and produce some powerful anticancer agents (i.e. cilantro helps remove heavy metals such as mercury from the body). Summertime is also a great time to use the abundance of fresh kale, basil, arugula, cilantro or garlic scapes to make pestos for pastas, sandwiches and crostini.

Tomato Basil Salad

1 pint or more cherry tomatoes (a combination of red, yellow and gold is nice)

Fresh basil

Organic extra virgin olive oil *

 Halve cherry tomatoes and place in serving bowl

Chop basil and add to tomatoes

Drizzle with olive oil

 *Note:  I use herb infused oils such as basil, rosemary, garlic or lemon.  In this recipe I prefer rosemary and basil infused.  If you cannot find them locally, Arlotta makes the very best olive oils I have ever tasted and also the most incredible balsamic vinegar.

 Tomatoes are a powerful anti-cancer fruit, particularly due the synergistic effects of lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamin C, phenols and other nutrients and antioxidants in the tomato working together to offer cancer protection. But please use organic or locally farm fresh and not the commercially toxic, GMO, or otherwise unhealthy sources.

 Basil has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It contains flavonoids that help shield cell structures from radiation and oxidative damage. Both fresh basil and basil oil have strong antibacterial capabilities, so by adding the herb or oil to your salad, you can help ensure your vegetables are safe to eat.

 Grilled Striped Bass with Dill Sauce

2/3 cup (packed) chopped fresh dill

¼ cup olive oil

2 Tablespoons white or golden balsamic vinegar

1 Tablespoon lemon fresh lemon juice

4-6 pieces of local wild striped bass, wild salmon or other fish, skin removed, each pc  about ½ lb

 Blend dill, oil, and vinegar and lemon juice in mini processor until almost smooth.  Season with salt and pepper.

 Sprinkle fish with salt and pepper

 Grill fish 8-10 min, do not overcook

 Drizzle fish with some of the dill mixture and serve the rest on the side.

 Dill contains antioxidant properties, and it also deactivates free radicals and neutralizes carcinogens that might find their way into our bodies.

Grilled Eggplant with Rosemary Oil and Cheese

1-2 eggplants

Cheese (Smoked Gouda, Munster, Monterey  Jack, Raclette, Mozzarella ….really any cheese or cheese substitute you like*)

Extra virgin Olive oil

Fresh chopped rosemary

 Slice eggplant lengthwise or crosswise, depending on size and preference (lengthwise is easiest for grilling)

 Sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper and place on paper toweling

 Let sit at least 30 minutes, blot dry (this will remove the water as well as the salt….if you skip this, the eggplant will absorb too much oil)

 Meanwhile, chop the rosemary and mix with a generous amount of olive oil

 Baste eggplant with olive oil/rosemary mix, use more oil if necessary….eggplant should be well coated.   Grill eggplant until done on one side, turn, grill a few minutes and add cheese.  When cheese is melted, remove. 

 Note:  this dish goes well with the tomato salad or a salad of chopped tomatoes, parsley and olive oil

 *I prefer organic, raw or those from small farms to cut down on pesticides and added hormones.

 Eggplant is rich in dietary fiber, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and contains powerful cancer fighting antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid, which fights free radicals and helps protect cells from mutating into cancer cells, and nasuin, which helps cut off the blood supply to cancer cells.

 Rosemary is a powerful anti-cancer herb.  The two key ingredients in Rosemary-caffeic acid and rosemarinic acid-are potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents, which help protect the body’s cells from damage by free radicals. Rich in carnosol, Rosemary has been found to detoxify substances that can initiate the breast-cancer process. It’s widely known that an imbalance of estrogen hormones in women can contribute to breast cancer. Rosemary stimulates liver enzymes which inactivate estrogen hormones. Rosemary, along with thyme, oregano, basil and mint promote apoptosis in cancer cells and reduce their speed by blocking the enzymes they need to invade neighboring tissues. Rosemary can inhibit the formation of HCAS, the carcinogenic compounds that form when you cook protein, by 75% (so use chopped rosemary in your marinade if you choose to grill proteins) 

Grilled Zucchini with Chopped Dill

 Zucchini (one or two, more if very small)

Dill (I will leave it up to you regarding amounts, but if you love the taste of dill, by all means, be generous!)

Extra Virgin Olive oil

 Slice Zucchini lengthwise or crosswise, depending on size and preference.  (I find a 1/4” thickness works well on the BBQ)

 Chop dill and mix with olive oil, rub onto zucchini, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and grill

Zucchini has the ability to protect against cell mutations and oxidative stress, and contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds. It is also a good source of potassium and lutein.

(See dill above) 

Watercress and Red Cabbage Salad

Wash one bunch of watercress and chop

Remove outer layers of red cabbage and slice thin or chop (use about ¼ of the head for one bunch of watercress).

Extra virgin olive oil

Aged Balsamic vinegar

Optional—add a handful of raw pine nuts or chopped parsley

 Toss salad with a pinch of salt, fresh pepper (if desired) and drizzle with Arlotta balsamic vinegar and lemon infused olive oil.  Alternatively you can use any olive oil and balsamic, but be sure to buy the best quality you can find.

 Serve at once

 Watercress offers a hefty dose of beta-carotene, copious amounts of calcium, carotenes like lutein, and trace amounts of omega-3’s.  Watercress has a high amount of PEITC (phenylethylisotiocyante) which appears to block cancer-causing chemicals, perhaps even protecting the lungs of smokers from the carcinogens associated with tobacco (however, please don’t smoke…I tell you this to understand the power of watercress)

 Red cabbage boosts immunity and is a member of the cruciferous family, whose indoles help with estrogen metabolism.  It also contains anthocyanins, a class of flavonids that provides as many as 36 different varieties of anticancer chemicals. Cabbage also contains a significant amount of glutamine, an amino acid that has anti-inflammatory properties. Red Cabbage boosts the immune system’s ability to produce more antibodies. Red cabbage contains large quantities of sulfur and other minerals that work as cleansing agents for the digestive system.  Raw red cabbage cleans the bowels, thus helping to prevent indigestion and constipation.

  Parsley has potent anti-inflammatory and anticancer abilities. The phytochemicals in parsley can slow the speed of cell division, leaving time for the cell to correct DNA mistakes or to activate apoptosis, and recent research shows that one particular compound found in parsley and celery, apigenin, can stop certain breast cancer tumor cells from multiplying and growing, so it’s a good idea to have some everyday.

 Additional Notes

 When salt is used, please consider pure sea salt as ordinary table salt and commercial sea salts are often treated with chlorine to bleach it white and may contain additional chemicals to prevent caking. 

When using balsamic vinegar, please keep in mind that many inexpensive varieties sold in the supermarket aren’t really balsamic vinegar but rather a cheap imitation. Try to purchase only high quality brands with no added ingredients

When olive oil is used, consider organic or a trusted source as not all olive oils are as pure as they claim to be.  I choose to use organic extra virgin olive oil for cooking and love the infused olive oils by Arlotta foods that we discovered at the farmers market in Southampton. 

Avoid canola oil…..have you ever seen a canola plant? That’s right, there is no such thing. Canola stands for “Canadian oil low acid”. Canola oil is developed from the rapeseed plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants. These oils have long been used for industrial purposes (in candles, lipsticks, soaps, inks, lubricants, and biofuels). It’s industrial oil, not a food.

Rapeseed oil is the source behind mustard gas, and on its own it causes emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability, and blindness. But through the beauty of genetic modification, it is now sold as edible oil. 

To be safe, use oils such as olive or walnut on salads

No GMO’s please:



Elyn Jacobs

Elyn Jacobs is a certified cancer coach, a breast cancer survivor, and the Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation.  She empowers women to choose the path for treatment that best fits their own individual needs.  Elyn helps women to uncover the nutritional deficiencies and emotional stress patterns that may have contributed to their cancer and to support their body as it activates it own natural ability to fight the disease. She is passionate about helping others move forward into a life of health and wellbeing. To learn more about Elyn’s coaching services or to learn more about eating for life, please visit:  https://elynjacobs.wordpress.com.